Thursday, July 21, 2011

How to use JAXB with Spring - Marshalling & Unmarshalling  

Using JAXB with Spring - Marshalling / Unmarshalling XML:

Using JAXB with Spring we can easily Marshall / Unmarshall the XML. Let us see how with an simple example.

Before starting the tutorial here are the definitions for a few technical words:
Spring's Object/XML (In short O/X) Mapping - Is the act of converting an XML document to and from an object.
Marshaller - Responsible for serializing an object (graph) to XML.
Unmarshaller - Deserializes the XML to an object graph.

Getting the JAXB Eclipse plug-in:
1. Download JAXB Eclipse Plug-In ( from
JAXB Eclipse Plug-in

2. Unzip the plug-in and copy the folder into your eclipse plug-in folder (../eclipse/plugins). Restart eclipse if already open.

3. You also need to get the following jar files and set in your Eclipse classpath

4. Create new project (Name: xmlBindingProj). Choose “Java XML Binding Project” in the new project creation wizard.

5. Create a XML Schema (.xsd) file customer.xsd: Example

6. Right click on the customer.xsd file on the project explorer and choose “Generate-> JAXB Classes”

7. Give the package name in the following dialog box as "com.mycomp.jaxbexample.order"

You can see the following classes created in the package with JAXB annotations.

8. Create the applicationContext.xml file under src directory as given below:

9. Create the following two java files and execute the

1 comment:

  1. Nice explanation. JAXB can be used in java config as

    public Jaxb2Marshaller getCastorMarshaller() {
    Jaxb2Marshaller jaxb2Marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
    return jaxb2Marshaller;

    Find more detail.
